Question One
1. What is truth?
2. Is truth found principally in the intellect or in things?
3. Is truth only in the intellect joining and separating?
4. Is there only one truth by which all things are true?
As you read through, you will find some terms that may sound more familiar after having read De ente et essentia in April 2019, for instance the concepts of being, essence, accident and others. If you wish to refresh them go to this post.
Your only preparation for this July session consists of reading carefully these articles. Try to follow the internal logic in each of them. You may find it tiring, but it's worth it: your intellect will be working out in a mental gym.
Remember you can access a vast number of St Thomas's works in English (and Latin) on this site compiled by the Dominicans in United States. Have a look, even if only to see all the works of Aquinas they have in the site.
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